
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Dress Code And Dress Codes - 1565 Words

When it comes to dress code, every individual has a different viewpoint for its implementation. There are clothes that could be fashionable to one person but seen as offensive to another. A dress code can be justifiable when put into a situation that really does require certain attire to be worn. It gives a sense of formality and distinguishes an individual apart from a group. This report seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of school dress codes with that of dress codes in the workplace. We form first impressions and overall judgments about people by the way one dresses. In the workplace, depending on what industry or company it is, employee dress code can differ based on the situation. Those who work at a banking institution are generally required to dress in â€Å"suit and tie† or at least business casual. In such workplaces, it is often required to abide by strict policies such as having to cover up tattoos and piercings whilst at the workplace. The dress code is set because the appearance of an employee reflects the company and its values. Thus when dealing with the public, other employees and in all other business relationships, it is important to conduct oneself in a courteous and respectful manner, which also entails dressing appropriately. At TD Canada Trust, a banking institution, on days with client meetings or when clients are expected in the office, business attire is required of its employees. Professional business attire for women generally comprisesShow MoreRelatedSchool Dress Code And Anti Dress Codes Essay855 Words   |  4 Pagesaffected by dress codes for many years. Others, for better or for worse, never had to deal with them. It has been debated for years between parents, students, and school systems alike as to whether or not dress codes are appropriate to enforce. This essay will summarize, make an argument, and analyze Krystal Miller’s article on this subject, titled, â€Å"School Dress Codes†. â€Å"School Dress Codes† is a 1990 article about the issues surrounding various city’s experiences with enforcing a school dress codeRead MoreDress Code And Uniforms Code956 Words   |  4 Pageswhy we have dress code and not uniform for the schools? In the current society, all you see in the schools is a dress code. School that I attend has numerous problems dealing with the dress code for the reason that particular students decided not to acknowledge it. Couple of teachers has to take some time out of their teaching time to send the students to the office for dressing inappropriately. Although they have various problems with the policy, schools remain to enforce the dress code policy. ConsideringRead MoreThe Code Of Dress Code Busting1630 Words   |  7 Pages All anyone ever hears about these days is the way people dress and what’s appropriate and what’s not. It’s all a matter of opinion. At least that’s what they all say, until someon e gets busted for dress code at school. Then all of the sudden it doesn’t matter what anyone s opinion is. It s the opinion of the person doing the dress code busting. So many schools across the country have established a dress code policy these days, some being mediocre and others taking it to the extreme. One outfitRead MoreDress Code Essay926 Words   |  4 Pagesthroughout many high schools. What is it you say? The answer is dress codes. â€Å"A  set  of  rules  specifying  the  garb  or  type  of   clothing  to  be  worn  by  a group  or  by  people  under  specific  circumstances† (Dictionary.com). School are failing to address equally among women, but shame and sexualize their bodies. Social media post and news broadcast are storming the nation as more and more situations with girls being called out for breaking the dress code. This is something not just another problem the country shouldRead MoreThe Dress Code At School913 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever had a problem with the dress code at your school? School that I attend has numerous problems dealing with the dress code considering some of the students decided not to follow it. Teachers have to take some time out of their class time to send the students to the office for dressing inappropriately. Since students cannot follow the simple dress code, schools should require students to wear uniforms. Few public schools in the Tennessee require students to wear uniforms. In the currentRead MoreD ress Code Essay1016 Words   |  5 Pages Dress code has always been an issue ,it has some advantages and some disadvantage .But do you thing dress code is something that is necessary?Clothing ,like other aspects of humans physical appearance ,has a social significance .Dress code has build in rules or signals indicating the message being given by a person clothing and how it can worm. Some pro statement I consider important should be that uniforms can increase students safety . Having uniforms can prevent for studentsRead MoreAre Dress Codes Unfair?1084 Words   |  5 PagesAre Dress codes Unfair to Girls? Synopsis: â€Å"Are Dresscodes Unfair to Girls† is a podcast episode produced by CBC’s The Current. Its aim was to explore the gender inequality involved in the public school system regarding dress codes through interviews with students, parents, and school administrators. Multiple sides of the debate were argued, showing the complexity of a relatively important issue. For many elementary and middle school students, the possibility of being dress coded looms as an ever-presentRead MoreSchool Dress Code Essay1709 Words   |  7 PagesDress Code: The Restriction of Expression Approximately 64% of the United States public education system requires a strict dress code. How does the dress code affect the students and how does it benefit them? Do the students have a say in this dress code policy? Do they have a fair vote on how dress code violations should be addressed? So many questions on how the students defend their rights in the public-school system, yet they cannot have the opportunity to have their opinions heard. Dress codeRead MoreThe Importance Of School Dress Codes1266 Words   |  6 Pages Do school dress codes come off as too strict? Some schools have a twenty-one-page rulebook on prom alone. Crazy, right? Who decides what belongs in a dress code and what does not? Should the students have a say on their school’s dress code? Student do not have a say in their school’s dress, so high school dress codes feel too restricting to the students. A school dress code consists of many aspects. The Crestwood High School Student Handbook forbids students from wearing anything too revealingRead MoreStudent Dress Code Essay1134 Words   |  5 PagesA popular debate topic in today’s school system is the concept of student dress codes. The idea of a school dress code tends to mainly target female entire however, males are still affected by it. Girls, no matter what their age or where they are from, are being sexualized for wearing clothing that doesn’t cover their shoulders. People are accusing young females of wearing â€Å"distracting† outfits, which is jeopardizing their male classmate’s education. Not only is this shaming girls, but it is also

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nelson Mandela Is the Definition of a Legendary Leader Essay

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) is the definition of a legendary leader. He liberated South Africans from turmoil. He sacrificed his freedom, personal relationships, and suffering to save the lives of many. And, he partnered with different countries to help make South Africa a better place. Nelson Mandela was seen as a statesman, celebrity, and legendary leader around the world. This paper will discuss Nelson Mandela’s background, training, and education as well as his accomplishments. This paper will also analyze Mandela’s leadership styles, and how he adjusted and evolved his personality traits throughout his life to become a better leader. Finally, the paper will discuss Nelson Mandela’s global impact and partnerships. Background,†¦show more content†¦After ten years as an ANC activist, Mandela became the second-ranking leader. Because of the publicity from this position and the massacres by police, Mandela was forced on many occasions to seek refuge as well as spend time in jail (Lieberfeld, 2004). In 1952, however, Mandela was given the position of chief organizer for the ANC’s 1952 Defiance Campaign. His objective was to lead an attempt at mass defiance of apartheid laws. He became a unifying symbol of defiance and soon was continually hunted by police, which forced him to spend 17 months underground. While underground, though, he became the freedom movement’s leading spokesperson, occasionally calling reporters to discuss the ANC’s actions and anti-apartheid movement (Lieberfeld, 2003). In 1960, Mandela was arrested and tried for treason, in which he relied on his law experience to represent himself. The government opted out of the death penalty because of Ma ndela’s best-known speech including â€Å"a detailed defense of the ANC’s actions† (Lieberfeld, 2004). Therefore, he spent 27 years in prison, where he continued to work toward ANC’s objectives through his power of persuasion and negotiation. He also developed aShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Your Definition of Leadership? Discuss and Critically Analyse One ‘Effective’ Leadership Case – and One ‘Less Effective’ Leadership Case. Summarise What These Cases Tell You About the Nature and Dynamics of Leadership.†2179 Words   |  9 Pagesfirstly discuss and analyse Nelson Mandela’s leadership style, which appeared to be mainly transformational. I will try to demonstrate how Nelson Mandela proved that leadership was a two-way process between the leader and his followers, and how crucial it is for a leader to be respected and admired by his followers in order for him to be effective. In addition, a leader needs to be tru stworthy, passionate and devoted to achieving a shared objective. More importantly, a good leader will abandon his subordinatesRead MoreNelson Mandelas Leadership4907 Words   |  20 PagesMANDELA’S LEADERSHIP June 6, 2012 TITLE PAGE CAUCASUS UNIVERSITY CAUCASUS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS COURSE TITLE: Developing effective leadership skills COURSE CODE: MGS-3211 INSTRUCTOR: Dara Ahmed GROUP PRESENTATION: N1 PRESENTATION TITLE: NELSON MANDELA’S LEADERSHIP GROUP MEMBERS: Tamar Geladze DATE: 6th of June, 2012 12 Page 2 NELOSN MANDELA’S LEADERSHIP June 6, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE...........................................................................Read More Changing Interpretations of The Prince and Niccolo Machiavelli2638 Words   |  11 Pagesfamous work by his Florentine ‘mentor.’†¦There is a dedicatory letter, comparable to Machiavelli’s astoundingly, cynically obsequious dedication to Lorenzo de Medici, ruler of Florence†¦in which he exhorts an unnamed (and, one assumes, fictitious) ‘leader’ to take up the banner that Hart himself was forced†¦to abandon. It is telling that, unlike Machiavelli, Hart makes the fictive claim that his tome has been requested of him by the dedicatee; this may help explain the supreme confidence, borderingRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 PagesFourth Edition I. Management 17 17 2. The Evolution of Management Thought Hughes−Ginnett−Curphy †¢ Leadership, Fifth Edition I. Leadership is a Process, Not a Position 51 51 70 1. Leadership is Everyone’s Business 2. Interaction between the Leader, the Followers the Situation Cohen †¢ Effective Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition 11. Leadership: Exerting Influence and Power 94 94 Text Palmer−Dunford−Akin †¢ Managing Organizational Change 2. Images of Managing Change 121 121Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pages(A) – managing change in professional services. Xerox – difficulties with leadership at the global giant. UNHCR – managing change in a global not-for-profit organisation. Burtons (A,B,C) – three stages of a retailer’s development under different leaders. Key: ââ€" Ã¢â€"  = major focus ââ€"  = important subsidiary focus Introduction to strategy Business environment: general Five forces analysis Capability analysis Corporate governance Stakeholder expectations Social responsibility Culture Competitive strategy

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Book Report After the Bomb Essay Example For Students

Book Report After the Bomb Essay After the Bomb, written by Gloria Miklowitz, is a thrilling novel that takes place before, during, and after a bomb, which supposedly was sent from Russia by accident. The disastrous happening alters all of Los Angeles and surrounding cities. Philip Singer, a teenager, is in a position as leader of the family. His brother, Matt, is awfully sick, possibly from radiation, his father was away at work during the blast and for all Philip knows he might be dead, and his mother was badly injured and needs immediate attention. Hospitals are flooded with injured and dying people and the government doesnt send help for a few days. The badly injured dont even get the chance to be helped because the hospitals have to send the ones that are likely to live to hospitals that specialize in burns. His mother is so badly burned that the hospitals put her on the bottom of the list to be flown to burn centers. By the end of the novel Philip has taken charge, snuck his mom ahead to be flown to a burn cen ter, and in a sense saved his town from thirst. He truly survived the terror, shock, and danger of the bomb. The novel goes through a couple of settings such as, Philips struggle to keep his family alive, and the conflict between the nature of a nuclear bomb against the Los Angeles area. When the bomb hits he is playing around in a playroom shelter with his brother and his girlfriend. They go out to find out what had happened and found burning houses, their home only left with one wall, rubble on the ground, debris all over the place, and people running frantically for shelter. Philips brother became sick after finding his mother and bringing her back down to the shelter, and found that his mother had been burnt severely and needed immediate medical attention. Philip struggles to keep his brother from getting even sicker and to bring his mother to a hospital. Philips family wasnt the only people affected by the bomb. A devastating bomb pounded the entire surrounding area of Los Ange les. Churches, hospitals and streets were flooded with sick, dying, and even dead people. Hospitals that were built to only withstand 200 people now have thousands, and hospitals lack food, doctors, and water. Philips struggle for survival, and the devastating blow against LA was only the beginning of the disastrous bomb. The setting is practically the whole plot of the novel showing Philips struggle to get his mother to a burn center that could save her life, bring his family to safety, and to save his town from thirst. When Philip arrives at the hospital with his mom the government and hospital had already started flying patients to burn centers, but his mom was too sick and so badly burned that the hospital didnt care for her. She was placed on the bottom of list to be flown away. Philip secretly switches the tag on his mom with one that says and earlier number, so that she would be flown out more promptly. He does so and she is flown out early and he most probably saved her life by doing so. Another example was when the bomb had just struck and Philips family was in the shelter, which wasnt very safe and stable. He went up to the surface to check out his neighbors house which was miraculously intact. Philip found the owner and his wife in good shape and arranged to bring his family over to the neighbors cool basement for safety and refuge. A third example was when the hospital in his town was almost put of water and Philip was asked by a nurse to find a worker that works with the town s plumbing at his house and manage to get water to the hospital. He did so and after a while drained water from a residents pool and had it flown down to the hospital. After the Bomb is an exciting and stimulating novel which shows the leadership of a teenager over his family. The novel displays a realistic happening that can happen any second and describes it intricately. Its an electrifying, terrifying, and exhilarating rushand is an outstanding novel. Survival was only the beginning How effectively does Harper Lee present the children and growing up in To Kill A Mockingbird EssayThe depletion of language and history is present in Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four and Huxleys Brave New World and acts as a part of the repression of artistic and creative endeavors. Everyone has the need to express themselves; whether it is through poetry, music, writing or painting; it should be a wonderful passion that individuals enjoy. With a ban of creative or artistic activity, there will definitely be a change in society. And passion and neurasthenia means the end of civilization. You cant have a lasting civilization without plenty of pleasant vices. This shows that individuals must be able to express themselves in order to have an interesting and pleasant society. Language and history are slowly being erased from Oceania and brave new world. Newspeak, the local news station on the telesceen of Oceania in Nineteen Eighty-Four, aims to reduce the number of words in the language. The plan continues with the reporters using less and less words to decrease the thinking in the brain, and the eventual dissolve of ones imagination. In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it Now there is no need for the Thought Police because there will be a little amount of words left in the English language. History, in both novels, contributes to the development of stable society. Winston, from the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four works for the Ministry of Truth. This Ministry is completely immoral, where Winstons j ob is to change history constantly so :.. the chosen lie would pass into the permanent records and become truth.. In Brave New World, people have no desire for history and literature because they have been brainwashed to stay away from books. In both societies, people will never learn how to make their lives better or be aware of the illusion that is present. This results in living in a stable society, where nothing will ever change. The people from this society unwillingly paid the price of their creativity and their ability to think, which results in their lack of expression and imagination. These creative and artistic endeavors that are necessary to sustain a utopian ideal, create an unrealistic utopia. Expressed in George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World, is the unfeasibility of the Utopian ideal. There perfect state remains dystopic when a lack of familial bonds, the sacrifice of human identity, and the lack of creative and artistic desires try to create stability in their society. The illusion of the utopian society is obvious. Both of these authors do an excellent job in depicting the reality of utopia ideal: But I dont want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin. In fact, said Mustapha Mond, youre claiming the right to be unhappy. All right, then, said the Savage defiantly, Im claiming the right to be unhappy. Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen tomorrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind. There was a long silence. I claim them all, said the Savage at last. This quote represents the failure of the utopian ideal. John in Brave New World, is the last one to see through this illusion. He recognizes what the controllers have done; they have deteriorated family relationships, lost the individualism in each human, and repressed artistic and creative endeavors to a minimum to ensure a stable society. In Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four, Winston has almost reached the state of seeing through the illusion. The Party realizes this and sends his to Room 101, where your worst fear becomes a reality. The purpose of this being to readjust Winstons attitudes. He is conditioned and at the end of the novel comes to a realization, I love Big Brother . The Party is too powerful for Winston to see through this illusion. It is evident through both novels, whereby both societies strive for this utopian state, that in the end, it is proved that with a lack of familial bonds, the loss of human individuality, and the repression of creative and artistic endeavors, both societies remain dytopic.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Physics Lab Report Specific Heat Sample

Physics Lab Report: Specific Heat Paper Q-emaciated Abstract: In this experiment we are trying to determine the specific heat of a teal. We will deterred-nine the specific heat from a mixture. We are going to bring several objects of different temperature together. Thermal equilibrium method would be using for this experiment. The heat lost by the hot Object Will be gained by the cold Object. The system we would be consider for this experiment is insulated. In this experiment we will putting the hot metal in a calorimeter of cold water. Slot-Gained Gametal=Sweater+Calorimeter cup and stirrer Where, Et is the equilibrium transferred, mm, CM, Tm are the mass, specific heat and initial temperature of the metal * mm, cue, Two are the mass, specific heat and initial temperature of the water * ms;s, c+s are the mass and specific heat of the calorimeter cup and the stirrer. (reference-I) Equipment: The equipment would be use for this experiment I. An aluminum calorimeter (reference 2) 2. A Celsius thermometer (reference 3) 3. Beaker and stand(reference 4) 4. Twine 5. Heat plate (reference S) 6. Laboratory balance (reference 6) 7. Two kinds of metal Because of my illness I could not attend on this lab experiment. That is the reason why do not have the discussion and the result for this experiment. We will write a custom essay sample on Physics Lab Report: Specific Heat specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physics Lab Report: Specific Heat specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physics Lab Report: Specific Heat specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer